Closed Alpha 5 Update Notes
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- Updated the spawn placement, spreading logic, and visual animations of Healing Numbers on the UI to be less obtrusive when many trigger at once
- Players can now use VGS at the end of matches
- Added the Match Found SFX pop when a match is found in queue like SMITE 1
- Spectator - Added Gold/XP timeline charts
- Bots added to Custom Games will now appear during the God select lobby
- The Match History menu inside the Profile will now display the details of the match when clicked on
- Updated the Split Item Store layout to be more like SMITE 1’s Old Console Store
- LB/RB to select tabs
- Text to show what the previous and next tabs are
- Tabs work like high-level Filters for item type (Offensive, Defensive, Utility), then Categories are deeper dive filters
- Also supported on KBM
- New Queue Info Overlay when entering “[GOD:Change] Game Mode” to give more details about each queue
- Naga Soldier Adjustments
- Reduced base health from 540 to 300
- Reduced health per level from 80 to 40
- Updated Gold/XP kill reward values and formulas to match SMITE 1 to reduce overall snowball in the mode
New Gods
- Speed of Light
- After using an ability gain Movement Speed.
- This buff stacks up to 3 times
- Celestial Beam
- Summon a moving beam of intense light, dealing Magical Damage to enemies.
- Divine Light
- New Features!
- For a period after activation, basic attacking fires solar rays that deal Magical Damage.
- The solar rays count as abilities, trigger ability effects, and pierce targets.
- Emanate light in the area around you that repeatedly slows enemies before exploding dealing Magical Damage.
- Enemies looking at you gain additional slow stacks and are blinded by the explosion.
- The explosion occurs after 2s and a slow stack is applied every 0.5s.
- New Features!
- Solar Blessing
- Summon a pillar of light repeatedly dealing Magical Damage and Healing allies.
- The light empowers you and allied gods in the area, granting Strength, Intelligence, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection
- The pillar of light ticks 6 times over 6s
- Summon a pillar of light repeatedly dealing Magical Damage and Healing allies.
- Searing Pain
- Blast enemies in front of you with a wave of extreme heat, dealing Magical Damage.
- Deals 5% of Max HP true damage to enemy gods as bonus damage
- Blast enemies in front of you with a wave of extreme heat, dealing Magical Damage.
- Miscellaneous Adjustments
- The Divine Light blind has been adjusted to be a bit less harsh for photosensitive people.
- Blessing of the Nile
- When Sobek deals damage he gains a stack of Protections.
- This effect stacks 3 times and lasts for 10s
- An ability can only provide one stack per cast
- Charge Prey
- Dash forward. The first enemy hit takes Magical Damage and stops the dash. Sobek displaces the enemy behind him.
- Damaged enemies are Stunned before being thrown
- You are Displacement Immune while dashing and CC Immune while throwing
- Dash forward. The first enemy hit takes Magical Damage and stops the dash. Sobek displaces the enemy behind him.
- Tail Whip
- Spin your tail, dealing Magical Damage in an area around Sobek.
- Damaged enemies are also Displaced away from Sobek
- Spin your tail, dealing Magical Damage in an area around Sobek.
- Sickening Strike
- New Features!
- Now applies a disease that can spread between enemies.
- Sickening Strikes cooldown is lowered by the amount of enemies hit by the initial strike, up to 4.
- Strike in front of you. This strike deals Magical Damage in a cone and applies Disease, reducing healing received for 5s.
- Enemies diseased take Bonus Magical Damage, take Reduced Healing, and can spread the disease for 2.5s
- Gods take % Health Damage while Non-gods take a flat amount of damage.
- Each enemy hit by the cone reduces this ability's cooldown by 1s and Heals you, up to 4
- Enemies diseased take Bonus Magical Damage, take Reduced Healing, and can spread the disease for 2.5s
- New Features!
- Lurking in the Waters
- New Features!
- Sob-execute! Sobek can now execute enemies at low health, scaling the HP Threshold with the length of his [GOD:Change].
- Sobek is rewarded for kills (Execute or otherwise) on enemy gods with his ultimate. Sobek permanently gains 25 Max Health each time his Ultimate kills an enemy god and gains a burst of Healing.
- Submerge, Slowing enemies nearby and granting you CC Immunity, Protections, and Mana Regen. After 4 seconds, emerge dealing Magical Damage to enemies in range.
- You may cancel this ability early, dealing less damage
- Executes enemies below 10 to 25% HP, scaling with time submerged. Executed or killed enemies Heal you and grants 25 permanent bonus Health
- New Features!
- Miscellaneous Adjustments
- Sobek’s Camera is no longer locked after he hits an enemy with Charge Prey, allowing him to see where he will throw his enemy more easily.
- This also allows him to turn and attack the enemy as they are flipped.
- Sobek’s Charge Prey no longer continues for the full time if an enemy dies or becomes CC Immune during the pluck sequence; instead ending early.
- This ending is not instantaneous, but is a shorter window than it was previously, allowing Sobek to act more quickly.
- Sobek’s Camera is no longer locked after he hits an enemy with Charge Prey, allowing him to see where he will throw his enemy more easily.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues with the Titans multi-hitting
- Fixed issues with Death Spectate when viewing an ally using the Teleporter and the camera being zoomed too far out
- Fixed God bots getting stuck on Jungle Camps
- Fixed issues in Ranked Draft where the countdown SFX wasn’t playing when it was a player's turn to pick for the last 10 seconds
- Fixed an issue where his Passive clones were providing too much lifesteal and other high stats if enemy gods killed them
- Fixed an issue where his Passive clones were stacking [ITEM:(209)The Reaper] item
- Fixed the “God Kills” tracker multiplying kills by the number of clones spawned
- Fixed an issue where her Ultimate would not target Morrigan or [GOD:Athena] properly after they used their Ultimate abilities
- Fixed issues with her Ultimate targeting not appearing immediately on allies
- Fixed an issue where she could not target Morrigan with her Ultimate
- Fixed an issue where his Shackle chains were not dealing damage to jungle boss objectives
- Fixed an issue where she couldn’t use Aegis during her Disapparate build up
- Fixed an issue with VGS not playing on his Onyx Blade skin
- Fixed an issue where he couldn’t run through [GOD:Yemoja]’s Ultimate waves from the inside with his Ultimate
- Fixed issues where the enemy team could purchase Baron’s Brew, and Games without a Baron could purchase Baron’s Brew
- Fixed Ranked EOML where SR gains and losses weren’t showing on the Results Page (Known issue the values are overlapping and text displaying incorrect rank)
- Fixed EOML God Mastery counting total worshippers rather than those gained from the match
- Fixed some players that couldn’t claim certain Ascension rewards
- Fixed the Profile - Ranked Season Panels not having Gamepad Navigation
- Fixed issues where some players couldn’t select a Role Preference
- Fixed the Victory/Defeat Art at the End of Matches being too small
- Call to Action system improvements in cases where the notification would not get removed
- Spectator can now see the game paused notification when players pause in-game
- Spectator Red team active timers and relic timers now trigger when an item is used
- Improvements to black lines on nameplate health bars disappearing at a far distance
- Ranked Draft - Console users can now see their cursor highlighter when it's their turn to pick
- Fixed an issue where leveling up while dead would show HP on the HP Bar
- Fixed Minion HP bars appearing over the Escape Menu
- Fixed the UI Video Self VFX Opacity tooltip being shown twice
- Fixed UI Healing numbers amounts fading to black, should now fade out like other numbers
Known Issues & Roadmap
- Split Console Store doesn’t have a proper Recommended Item section yet. Will be added in a later patch
- Bots are still not appearing in the match lobby for game modes vs AI. Will be coming soon
S2L Users
Guides Created
Matches Analyzed
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