Statistics Dashboard
Total Matches
Most Played God (Conquest)
13.5% Pick Rate
47.2% Win Rate
Most Purchased Item
![Purification Beads](
Purification Beads
40.1% Purchase Rate
51.2% Win Rate
Quick Links
Top 20 Gods by Pick Rate
Top 20 Items by Purchase Rate
Gods Win Rates (Min. 1% Pick Rate)
Total Matches
Most Played God (Arena)
10.7% Pick Rate
56.0% Win Rate
Most Purchased Item
![Purification Beads](
Purification Beads
39.5% Purchase Rate
60.3% Win Rate
Quick Links
Top 20 Gods by Pick Rate
Top 20 Items by Purchase Rate
Gods Win Rates (Min. 1% Pick Rate)
Total Matches
Most Played God (Assault)
2.6% Pick Rate
59.4% Win Rate
Most Purchased Item
![Purification Beads](
Purification Beads
37.1% Purchase Rate
65.7% Win Rate
Quick Links
Top 20 Gods by Pick Rate
Top 20 Items by Purchase Rate
Gods Win Rates (Min. 1% Pick Rate)
Total Matches
Most Played God (Joust)
9.3% Pick Rate
59.8% Win Rate
Most Purchased Item
![Purification Beads](
Purification Beads
38.4% Purchase Rate
63.2% Win Rate
Quick Links
Top 20 Gods by Pick Rate
Top 20 Items by Purchase Rate
Gods Win Rates (Min. 1% Pick Rate)
Total Matches
Most Played God (Duel)
7.4% Pick Rate
71.4% Win Rate
Most Purchased Item
![Purification Beads](
Purification Beads
13.3% Purchase Rate
73.4% Win Rate
Quick Links
Top 20 Gods by Pick Rate (Duel)
Top 20 Items by Purchase Rate (Duel)
Gods Win Rates (Min. 1% Pick Rate) (Duel)
Conquest Ranked: Role Statistics
Role Assignment Distribution
This chart shows how often players get their preferred roles:
- 1st Preference: Players get their first choice role 68.6% of the time (24024 matches)
- 2nd Preference: 15.7% of the time (5506 matches)
- 3rd Preference: 8.3% of the time (2895 matches)
- 4th Preference: 4.3% of the time (1515 matches)
- 5th Preference: 2.9% of the time (1027 matches)
Based on 34967 ranked matches analyzed. The data may differ from Official Sources due to small sample.
Player Role Preferences Distribution
This chart shows the distribution of role preferences across all players:
- Each bar represents a preference position (1st through 5th choice)
- Colors indicate different roles
- Width shows the percentage of players who selected that role for that preference position
Player Role Preferences Distribution
This chord diagram visualizes how roles are traded in the lobby:
- Each arc represents a role
- Ribbons show trades between roles
- Thicker ribbons indicate more frequent trades
- Hover over elements to see detailed statistics
Note: These statistics are collected from elite-level matches only and may not represent the general player experience.
Role Stats Data: