Meta Analysis - Day 1 without Combat Blink

By: FAERayo March 20, 2025 |
Categories: Meta

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24 hours have passed since Hi-Rez disabled Combat Blink to test claims from some parts of the community after a week of discussions about Blink.


Since we now have the data, let's analyze how often people used Blink and how relic choice decisions have changed during this time with Blink disabled.


Combat Blink Enabled

The following table data is gathered from OB5 through March 10 and March 18, with a total of 19,000+ player builds from 3,500+ SR matches:


  • 31.8% of players in Conquest purchased Combat Blink, a trend that has been decreasing patch after patch.
    • 47.7% (OB1) -> 40.8% (OB2) -> 37.2% (OB3) -> 36.2% (OB4) -> 31.8% (OB5)
  • As the data suggests, Combat Blink usage is decreasing each patch. So, is it really that much of a problem in OB5?






  • Junglers are the primary users of Combat Blink, with a significant margin at 41.4%, followed by Solo players at 24.5%.
  • Less than 15% of total Junglers use Combat Blink, and the percentage for other roles is even smaller.



Combat Blink Disabled - New Patterns


Now that Combat Blink is disabled, we are beginning to see new patterns in players' relic choices with over 1700+ builds analyzed during the last 24h.








Data Table with raw data


Relic Purchases % Most Used Role (Enabled) Most Used Role (Disabled) Win Rate
Purification Beads 43.2% -> 55.7%

Carry 36.3%
Mid 33.4%

Jungle 15.8%

Solo 12.1%

Support 2.2%

Carry 29.8%
Mid 26.1%

Jungle 28.4%

Solo 13.8%

Support 1.8%

50.7% -> 52.1%
Combat Blink 31.8%

Jungle 41.4%
Solo 24.5%

Mid 14.6%

Support 11.3%

Carry 8.1%


Phantom Shell 9.8% -> 15.2%

Support 80.9%
Solo 9.6%

Carry 6.6%

Mid 2.1%

Jungle 0.8%

Support 65.8%
Solo 14.8%

Carry 8.4%

Mid 7.2%

Jungle 3.8%

55.2% -> 57.0%
Sundering Arc 8.1% -> 17.7%

Solo 58.9%
Support 30%

Jungle 10.4%

Carry 0.4%

Mid 0.3%

Solo 50.7%
Support 34.3%

Jungle 13.1%

Carry 1%

Mid 1%

53.7% -> 52%
Aegis 6.8% -> 11.4%

Carry 43.1%
Mid 31.2%

Solo 13%

Jungle 11.3%

Support 1.4%

Carry 29.4%
Mid 35%

Solo 15.7%

Jungle 19.3%

Support 0.5%

54.4% -> 45.2%


Observations & Questions

As we can see in the data, Aegis usage has increased, raising some important questions:

  • Will Aegis become a problem? A 140s vs. 240s cooldown that can essentially block one out of every two ultimates used.
  • Will double Beads become an issue? With Blink no longer an option, concerns arise about the viability of stacking Beads.
  • Aegis and Beads together? Similar to double Beads, the combination of both actives and relics might lead to balance concerns.

There’s no doubt new relic combinations will emerge, and with them, new complaints from players.


Whats your Thought? 


Leave us a comment here or on the Reddit post with your thoughts and feelings after the first 24 hours. Are you enjoying the game more?


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