Smite 2 Live Beta 2 - Changelog
By: FAERayo
October 29, 2024
We have been 1 month updating our site with amazing features thanks to your feedback so let's check what has been added:
- Accounts [New Feature]
- We have implemented creation of account
- You can crate an account and login with discord
- We have implemented a Settings panel (When logged in, click in the god image -> Settings)
- You can link your created account with your discord account (Planed for future features, so we recommend linking your account in this link.
- [Account Settings] You can view your account details: Username and email are hidden by default in case you stream or record videos using the website.
- [Account Settings] You can change your profile avatar to any released god. This will be shown in comments and other sections. We will include more avatars in the future!
- [Account Settings] You can change your password
- Item Builder
- Item builder has been integrated into Items, so we only have now Items in the header.
- This item builder is supposed to be a temporary and faster way of thinking your builds while experimenting.
- Guides [New Feature]
- Guides have been introduced allowing you to create a guide with multiple builds and sections with explanaroty texts.
- You can add gods and items to the text content that will build automatically, a few examples: [GOD:Anubis] [ITEM:(1946)Archmage's Gem]
- The creator will assist you with error labels and auto-assign of starters and relics between starter and final build.
- You can add optinal items and custom builds, so you can make a multi-build guide
- You can select multiple gods
- Guides can be voted by pressing the star icon
- In the future, we will introduce ability order
- Tier Lists [New Feature]
- You can now create tier lists
- Create custom categories and change categories titles
- Modify tier list colors using the gear icon
- Set portraits or cards as default, just switch them before saving!
- Set names hidden or shown the same way.
- You can save a screenshot in the editor, it will download a tier list view.
- There is also a text section that will allow you to explain your tierlist.
- Tierlists can be voted by pressing the star icon
- Future updates will include non-added gods list as well as showing them in the screenshot.
- Comments [New Feature]
- We have added a comments feature that allows you to add comments in: Tier lists, guides and news posts (You can just comment below).
- The comment section allows you to create, edit and delete comments.
- The comment text editor allows you to add gods/items just like guides and tierlists section.
- Data Update
- Gods, items, pro builds and popular god builds have been updated through CA3, CA4 and will be updated to CA5 once it leaves pts and is released in live.
- Notifications
- Updated notifications bell to make ir more clear when you have a new notification.
- We don't plan to abuse this system, so we recommend to check it always you see it moving with a light.
- We plan to use it for: News like this post and future user notifications when you get replied to comments, etc. We plan on adding settings for this too!
- Voices of Smite
- Updated with new gods
- Fixes
- Fixed some images not being loaded
- Fixed permanent loading error (this one was rare, but was causing permanent loading in some circumstances)
- Fixed guides and tier list not being allowed to be created or edited
- Fixed tierlist tiers color being grey, you must edit and set the colors to fix them
- Fixed tierlist wrong error labels
- Known Bugs
- Tooltip of items have wrong size
- Guides and tierlist have some visual bugs in mobile
- Sometimes the items modal from text editor have the tooltip open by default
- You can't view your own guides while in draft (must have the link)
- Guide form can be erased if submit fails (Shouldn't happen, but it's there!)
- Pro guides in mobile has lagged scroll
What's Next?
If you thought we were happy with all this content, you're wrong! We still plan into adding more features, and this time we are focusing in community.
- Community custom god creation tool
- We plan on implementing a god creation tool that will allow community to create concept gods like a pro!
- All community concept gods would be listed just like the Gods page, which will be fun and easy to find concepts.
- Statistics Charts
- We are planning to increase our charts and statistics for community. We aim to be a reference in data and hopefully Hi-Rez can provide an api in the future.
- God Charts:
- Gods TierList / Table with multiple datal like
- Gods Pick rate
- God Win/Lose %
- Filter data by patches
- Better items charts by popularity and filter by patches
- Tierlists
- Add unlisted gods below the tiers
- Guides
- Import build from items
- View build stats
- Improve stats so it calculates stacks and passive effects
- Gods
- Show featured user guides in god view
- Add ability default order to god view
- Improve the UI
- Improve our site
- With that many features in a small frame of time we're reaching a point where we need to start improving our site a bit before continuing with more features, so we will dedicate some time to improve our times and resources to make our site better.
- We plan on fixing bugs, improve mobile view, improve loading times and moving our site to a better server.
- We added a few more ads to support this migration to a new server. We don't like ads but we try to make them as responsive as possible so they don't hide or block content.
- If your site keeps improving and offers more content, we will think if we add some kind of donation/premium plan to hide ads. For the moment we don't feel our content is enough for this, so we'll keep improving :)
Special thanks to our group of testers that have been helping a lot to improve the new features!
- Snufflebox
- Taos
- Azteck
- Kenami
- Legendkira
If you want to collaborate, or report any bugs, feel free to join our discord.
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