A letter of love - Write a message to all Hi-Rez employees, those who were laid off and those who will be working hard in the next weeks with so much pain in their heart. Send them your love message or explain them how has smite changed your life.

Some honest words



I wanted to say Smite captivated me for almost 9 years now and I'm sure it will continue to do so for way more, to all the devs that worked on this game please know your work won't ever go unnapreciated.


With love from a passionate fan of your work.


1 month, 1 week ago


I just wanna say that I appreciate the hard work put into this game. It's my favorite game right now and every update makes it better!

The hard work put in shows. Thank you!


1 month, 2 weeks ago

Smite To Live

I remember starting playing Smite back in 2012 when the Alpha started.. I've always been in love of mythology, be greek, roman or egyptian.. and smite somehow got all my attention for bringing those stories alive in such an awesome gameplay.

Smite has been in my life for almost half of my life, that's so awesome, and it allowed me to evade from personal problems when it was needed, as many others surely. As well as meeting awesome people that allowed me to have incredible stories to share with friends.


I'm surely have been a pain in the ass with the datamining, but all my work towards this community have been always because I loved smite and tried to make people happy with content. I surely have a hate/love relationship with devs but when I created smite2.live I name it this way because we really need smite to live, it's part of our bodies as much as our arm.


We may leave it for some time, get angry because of matchmaking, but at the end the game so incredibly and great that it makes you forget about the bad things.


Some of you, devs, have been in he company for so many years that it must be devastating, but please be happy with what you have created and surely will find soon another job that will hopefully heal the damage the staff in Hi-Rez have done to you.


For those that are still inside and had to go on Friday to job and will have to go again on Monday, please keep being strong, you must do it not only for you and for us, but specially for those that are not there anymore. 

Let's make Smite 2 the best moba around. This has so much potential.. 


1 month, 2 weeks ago

A letter to hirez employees

Hello, thank you for the hard work and dedication to the game, the community appreciates it greatly. You have mine and many others support.

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