
Nu Wa Guardian Of Heaven Guide

Updated by legendkira. - a minute ago | Closed Alpha 4


Starter Build

Final Build

Optional Items

Support Nu Wa

Auto Attack Nu Wa


Coming soon.


Changes from Smite 1 - Smite 2

  • [GOD:NuWa] transition from Smite 1 to 2 is pretty similar, but there are some changes to her. The passives work differently and her other change is that every ability she uses gives her a crystal. The crystals are Water, Earth, Metal, and Fire. These crystals last 5s and give different buffs.
  • Passive: Her passive is a little different now instead of having to auto attack and getting the root auto, every 15s your next Basic Attack will Root all targets hit. Damaging an enemy with a Basic Attack reduces this cooldown by 1s.
  • Mysterious Fog: Is the same as Smite 1 but now gives Strength of Water. This crystal gives movement speed to anyone that has it including allies being in the fog gives the crystal and refreshes the duration of the crystal.
  • Clay Soldiers: Is the same as Smite 1 but now gives Strength of Earth. This crystal provides flat penetration to Nu Wa only.
  • Shining Metal: Is the same as Smite 1 but now gives Strength of Metal. This crystal after activation gives Nu Wa aoe auto attacks.
  • Fire Shards: Is the same as Smite 1 but now gives Strength of Fire. This crystal after activiation increases the auto attack range of Nu Wa and the speed her auto attacks travel.

Playable Roles

  • Nu Wa's main role is Mid she can play Support and ADC but these two roles are more niche and I don't recommend it unless you want to try something new.


  • Your passive root works with the aoe auto of your three buff meaning you can root more than one person. Make sure when you ult to use your two before ulting to get the flat pen on the ult. Overall Nu Wa is a pretty basic and easy character that can be fun the only thing you have to worry about is positioning. Have Fun!


General Overview

  • Nu wa in mid provides the team with a lot of damage. Her combo allows her to blow someone up and her ult late in team fights is great for doing damage. She can be very unsafe because of her lack of mobility. She can do good early but she falls off mid-game unless she is fed and comes back late game punching when she has her items to do a lot of damage. Mid is her best role so I would recommend her here compared to any of her other roles.

Build Overview

  • The general build I gave will give you a lot of cooldown intelligence and damage on your ult. [ITEM:(158)Divine Ruin] was not included but is very important in games with a lot of healing. Nu Wa is one of the best divine appliers in the game because of her ult applying it to everyone in the match. Some gods to watch out for when deciding to build anti-heal are [GOD:Anubis] [GOD:BaronSamedi] [GOD:Chaac] [GOD:Hades] [GOD:Hercules] [GOD:Yemoja]. [ITEM:(228)Necronomicon] is a fun item to go as it will increase your damage by a lot but will make you very easy to kill especially because Nu Wa has no mobility. [ITEM:(153)Chronos' Pendant] is nice for spamming abilities. [ITEM:(232)The World Stone] is nice for spamming your ult. [ITEM:(1928)Spear of Desolation] is another item that is nice for spamming abilities as the passive during team fights will give you your abilities back quickly. [ITEM:(183)Polynomicon] feels very nice on her. You combo poly auto someone and they die. [ITEM:(163)Gem of Focus] will provide a lot of movment speed which is nice for Nu Wa as she has no mobility.

Early Game

  • Nu Wa's Early Game is pretty decent her clear is good with her 3 and aoe auto buff. She also has amazing cc lockdown that can lead to early kills. 

Mid Game

  • Nu Wa's in the mid-game is at her worst point in the game her lack of mobility starts showing here as she is very easy to gank. In a situation where you are behind use your fog and minions to clear waves from under the tower to not risk death. Don't just spam your ult, pay attention to the other lanes and ult when it can help with a gank as you will make sure the kill is secured or will get the assist credit.

Late Game

  • Late Game is when Nu Wa shines the most she does a lot of damage with her 2 1 combo. Make sure to position yourself carefully usually next to your support or ADC so you have someone to help you if you get dove. She has good self peel late with her combo and can turn an engagement very quickly. During fights around objectives late make sure to ult as soon as the fight starts her ult is an amazing initiator as it will do good damage to everyone and it will proc your items. If you have divine this becomes more important.



General Overview

  • Nu wa support is definitely not a traditional pick but it can work. If you are going to pick Nu Wa support I would recommend going her when you have other strong frontline tanks in your solo lane like [GOD:Bacchus] [GOD:Hercules] [GOD:Odin] they tank a lot of damage and do good being in the front line by themselves. This is important because Nu Wa will serve more of a back liner support. Also be careful because she is still relatively easy to kill in support even while tank. 

Build Overview

  • This build focuses on being able to spam your combo allowing you set up with it and peel with it. You are also tanky and have utility items to help your team and debuff your enemy. [ITEM:(210)Triton's Conch] is a good item to give your team more power so they do more damage while also boosting your damage. [ITEM:(206)Talisman of Purification] is a very useful item it acts like an aoe beads which can cleanse your team to protect them from crowd control. This item is useful against almost all the Gods in the game but some characters it really helps against are [GOD:Ares] [GOD:BaronSamedi] [GOD:Fenrir] [GOD:Hades] [GOD:Hecate]. [ITEM:(181)Pharaoh's Curse]  is a good item to really hinder the enemy when they dive your team applying an aoe slow and attack speed reduction it can also help when diving the enemy team. [ITEM:(189)Ruinous Ankh] gives a lot of useful stats and reduces the enemy team's healing. 

Early Game

  • Nu Wa Early Game is pretty decent; her clear is really good with her 3 and aoe auto buff. She also has amazing cc lockdown that can lead to early kills.

Mid Game

  • Mid game Support Nu wa wants to look around in the map and see if there are any lanes she can gank and help with her cc chain combo. Also abuse the fact she can use her minions to tank objectives so you can do them early with your team and get a lead. Her minions hp scale of hers so in a support build they will be pretty tanky.

Late Game

  • Late game you are looking to be in the backline with your mid and hunter making sure to keep them safe with your items and cc. Her ult will be pretty useless late with a support build because of the lack of damage but you can use your ult as a scouting tool as it reveals everyone in the map so they cant sneak and do an objective. The same way you used your minions to tank objectives you can use them to tank the towers. 


General Overview

  • ADC is not a traditional pick either but with the new additions to her kit with her crystals and passive adding a little synergy to auto-attack builds this can definitely work and you will have a good time. 

Build Overview

  • This build I'm recommending is an intelligence-focused auto-attack build. The reason we are going to go with a build like this is because it will allow your abilities to still do a good amount of damage along with your auto attacks. Crit Nu wa can work but I don't think it's as good as this build. This build will be centered around doing a lot of damage with your item's passives. [ITEM:(1895)Book of Thoth] [ITEM:(1948)Death's Embrace] are core essential in this build because they will give you good mana sustian to help with your mana cost on [ITEM:(204)Sun Beam Bow]. Sun Beam bow along with your [ITEM:(151)Bragi's Harp] [ITEM:(231)Bracer of The Abyss] [ITEM:(185)Qin's Blade] will do a lot of consistent auto attack damage. I like to call this build the yellow number build.

Early Game

  • Nu Wa's Early Game is pretty decent; her clear is good with her 3 and aoe auto buff. She also has amazing cc lockdown that can lead to early kills.

Mid Game

  • Mid-game Nu Wa is very easy to gank so be careful with that. But something she excels at in mid-game in duo lane is her 1v1 against the other ADC. Using her minions and not exploding them and just leaving them there while you auto attack the enemy ADC while they can't auto attack you because of your minions body blocking them. 

Late Game

  • Late game is when you have your full build online you will be doing a lot of damage with your sun beam bow. Be careful with positioning, try to be with your mid-laner and support. Try to play around objectives like fire her minions and this build will allow you to shred objectives very quickly.


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Ultimate Yemoja Guide


Starter Build

Final Build

Updated by legendkira. - 2 hours ago | Closed Alpha 4

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