That is a fun build on yemoja given the core is [ITEM:(204)Sun Beam Bow] as it doesn't remove mana from yemoja
We're build Strength in order to make her basic attack damage higher and hit like a truck
1200 dps average
Death's Toll
Passive: Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack Heals you for 2 +0.3% of your Max Health and 1 +1% of your Max Mana. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Death's Embrace
Passive: Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack restores 1.4% of your Health, 2% of your Mana and reduces your active non-Ultimate Cooldowns by 0.33s. Requires Level 20.
Sun Beam Bow
Active: Toggle to fire 2 ranged projectiles with each of your basic attacks. These travel 8.8m and deal 20 + 25% of your basic attack damage as magical damage. Item drains 5% max mana per second while active.
Bracer of The Abyss
Passive: When you hit an enemy god or jungle boss with an ability you gain 15 Basic Attack Damage for 10s. Stacks up to 4 times.
Bragi's Harp
Passive: All targets hit by your basic attacks take 10 + 3 per level bonus Magical Damage.
Qin's Blade
Passive: Your basic attacks deal bonus Physical Damage to gods equal to 4% of their Max HP.
The Executioner
Passive: When you damage an enemy god or jungle boss with a basic attack, gain the Piercing effect, granting you 7.5% Penetration for 4s. Stacks up to 4 times.
Titan's Bane
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Bumba's Golden Dagger
Passive: If you have more Strength than Intelligence from items, gain 15 STR, otherwise, gain 20 INT. Your Basic Attacks deal +25 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% Damage versus Jungle Monsters. Basic attacks deal 15% bonus physical damage to additional enemies within 1.5m of the target. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Leather Cowl
Passive: While you are within 8.8m of an allied god you gain 10% Attack Speed. If you are alone you instead gain 5% Movement Speed. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Coming soon.
That is a fun build on yemoja given the core is [ITEM:(204)Sun Beam Bow] as it doesn't remove mana from yemoja
We're build Strength in order to make her basic attack damage higher and hit like a truck
1200 dps average
View allLoki
Bumba's Cudgel
Passive: If you have more Strength than Intelligence from items, gain 15 STR, otherwise, gain 20 INT. Your Basic Attacks deal +25 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% Damage versus Jungle Monsters. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 20 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.5s. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Health Potion
Active: Item is Consumed, then Heals 15 health per tick, 14 ticks over 14s. Can carry up to 3 of this item.
Bumba's Hammer
Passive: If you have more Strength than Intelligence from items, gain 35 STR, otherwise, gain 60 INT. Your Basic Attacks deal +50 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% damage against Jungle Camps, Structures, and Jungle Bosses. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 40 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.75s and you are healed for 60 health.. Requires Level 20.
Brawler's Ruin
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your basic attacks or abilities have 40% reduced healing for 4s.
Hydra's Lament
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 30% increased Basic Attack Damage on your next basic attack for 8s.
Jotunn's Revenge
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 1s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
The Crusher
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take bonus damage equal to an additional 35% of your Strength over 1s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
Titan's Bane
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
Passive: Your abilities deal bonus physical damage as a % of the target's max HP. The %HP damage is equal to 3% of your Strength.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Updated by Taos - 4 days, 16 hours ago | Closed Alpha 6
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