Closed Alpha 6 Hotfix #3
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Bug Fixes
- Fixed spelling issue at End of Match Lobby for "worshippers"
- Fixed all tiers of an Achievement unlocking on Steam when you meet the first tier requirements
- Made draft lobby Highlighting for gamepad change role/player actions much clearer with an arrow and gold glow
- General
- Fixed Khepri gameplay UI tags were incorrect/missing, and base stats incorrect (basic attack dmg nerf)
- Scarab's Blessing
- Addressing issue where Gods are stuck constantly reviving
- Swift Vengeance
- Addressing dash refire issues when using Normal cast at higher frame rates.
- Ring of Spears
- Refixed gaining perma STR stacks from killing anything inside the ring - should only be gods
- General
- Addressing an issue with [ITEM:(2060)Lifebinder] causing infinite debuff effect.
[ITEM:(1918)Prophetic Cloak]
- Fixed ICD at 8s when it should have been 5s
S2L Users
Guides Created
Matches Analyzed
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