Open Beta 4 Hotfix #4
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- Fixed a fairly common PS5 crash
- Fixed some elements invalidating the HUD which we believe may solve another part of Store Overlay issues.
- Plague of Locusts
- Fixed an issue where cancelling the ability would still proc [ITEM:(183)Polynomicon] and [ITEM:(168)Hydra's Lament]
- General
- Fixed a VFX skin issue with Nu Wa
- Aspect of Thunderstruck
- The Aspect now reflects the following - Heal 5% +0.1% per level to 4% + 0.075% per level and Slow 40% to 30%
- Fixed an issue where the Aspect was not cleansable as designed
[ITEM:(1902)Typhon's Fang]
- Fixed an issue with the item's passive. It will now be re-enabled.
[ITEM:(184)Purification Beads] / [ITEM:(206)Talisman of Purification]
- Fixed an issue where cleansing wasn't preventing getting pulled from [GOD:Awilix]'s Ultimate
[ITEM:(-23629)Magi's Cloak]
- Fixed an issue with where [GOD:Bellona] and [GOD:Zeus] would proc unintentionally
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