God of Wine
Type | Default |
Collection | Default |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type | None |
Collection | Legacy |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Cross-Gen |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Mastery Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Legacy |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Stat Name | Stat Value |
Max Health | 651 |
Max Mana | 305 |
Health Per Time | 2 |
Mana Per Time | 3 |
Physical Protection | 20 |
Magical Protection | 28 |
Movement Speed | 375 |
Base Attack Speed | 1 |
Attack Speed Percent | 2 |
Intelligence | 0 |
XP Requirement | 0 |
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View allVICTORY | ChrisTDickson
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
Passive: You gain 1 bonus Gold per second. When an ally god within 8.8m of you is hit by a hard crowd control effect, give them a shield equal to 15% of your Maximum Health. This effect can only occur once every 15s. Requires Level 15.
Prophetic Cloak
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
- MagicalProtection: +25.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: Once every 8s, when you damage an enemy god, you gain a stack of 1 Protections that corresponds to the type of damage that god deals. Once you have reached 20 stacks of both Protections, this item Evolves, giving you additional 15 Protections and 6% Damage Mitigation, or 12% Damage Mitigation if your total Protection exceeds 350.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +35.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you lose 500 + 25*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 45s.
Circe's Hexstone
- MaxHealth: +400.0
- HP5: +4.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Active: You are Polymorphed and begin a short Charge forwards, damaging enemies hit for 50 Physical Damage. Hitting a god ends the Charge, Knocking them Up and dealing 10% of their Current HP as bonus Physical Damage. While Polymorphed you gain CC Immunity and 60 Protections. Cooldown: 90s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Engraved Guard
- PhysicalProtection: +12.0
- MagicalProtection: +12.0
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
VICTORY | ChrisTDickson
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
Passive: You gain 1 bonus Gold per second. When an ally god within 8.8m of you is hit by a hard crowd control effect, give them a shield equal to 15% of your Maximum Health. This effect can only occur once every 15s. Requires Level 15.
Ruinous Ankh
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have 40% reduced healing.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +35.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you lose 500 + 25*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Shogun's Ofuda
- MagicalProtection: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 20% Attack Speed.
Stone of Binding
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your Hard CC effects lose 15 Physical Protection and 15 Magical Protection for 4s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Circe's Hexstone
- MaxHealth: +400.0
- HP5: +4.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Active: You are Polymorphed and begin a short Charge forwards, damaging enemies hit for 50 Physical Damage. Hitting a god ends the Charge, Knocking them Up and dealing 10% of their Current HP as bonus Physical Damage. While Polymorphed you gain CC Immunity and 60 Protections. Cooldown: 90s.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
VICTORY | Inbowned
Pendulum Of The Ages
- Intelligence: +70.0
- MP5: +4.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: This item grants 4 Mana per second per 10% of your missing Mana. This item grants 7 Intelligence per 10% of your available Mana.
Wish-Granting Pearl
- Intelligence: +80.0
- MaxHealth: +250.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
Void Stone
- Intelligence: +40.0
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have their Magical Protections reduced by 10%
Sphere of Negation
- Intelligence: +70.0
- MagicalProtection: +40.0
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 45s.
Hussar's Wings
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
- MagicalProtection: +25.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
Active: You are Cleansed of all Slows, gain Slow Immunity, and 20% Movement Speed for 6s. Cooldown: 30s.
Oracle Staff
- Intelligence: +20.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
- MP5: +1.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god you instantly restore 25% of your Mana.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
VICTORY | ChrisTDickson
War Flag
- PhysicalProtection: +10.0
- MagicalProtection: +10.0
- MaxHealth: +60.0
Passive: Getting the assist for an enemy minion or jungle monster dying will provide 8 Bonus gold and restore 8 Health and 5 Mana. You and allied gods within 8.8m also receive a buff that gives 0.25% Movement Speed and 0.5% Attack Speed for 10s. Stacks up to 10 times. Requires level 15 to upgrade.
Prophetic Cloak
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
- MagicalProtection: +25.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: Once every 8s, when you damage an enemy god, you gain a stack of 1 Protections that corresponds to the type of damage that god deals. Once you have reached 20 stacks of both Protections, this item Evolves, giving you additional 15 Protections and 6% Damage Mitigation, or 12% Damage Mitigation if your total Protection exceeds 350.
Talisman of Purification
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: You and allied gods within 6.4m are Cleansed of all CC and gain CC Immunity for 1s. Cooldown: 180s.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +35.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you lose 500 + 25*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Olmec Blue
- MaxHealth: +185.0
- HP5: +1.0
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
Passive: You gain 1 bonus Gold per second. When an ally god within 8.8m of you is hit by a hard crowd control effect, give them a shield equal to 15% of your Maximum Health. This effect can only occur once every 15s. Requires Level 15.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Talisman of Purification
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: You and allied gods within 6.4m are Cleansed of all CC and gain CC Immunity for 1s. Cooldown: 180s.
Stone of Binding
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your Hard CC effects lose 15 Physical Protection and 15 Magical Protection for 4s.
Ruinous Ankh
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have 40% reduced healing.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Glorious Pridwen
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
- MagicalProtection: +25.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: Create an explosion dealing 55% of your Protections as Magical Damage and slowing targets by 25% for 3s in a 4.8m radius. Then you gain a Shield equal to 80% of your Protections for 5s. When destroyed, by timing out or being depleted, you explode again. Cooldown: 45s.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
Passive: You gain 1 bonus Gold per second. When an ally god within 8.8m of you is hit by a hard crowd control effect, give them a shield equal to 15% of your Maximum Health. This effect can only occur once every 15s. Requires Level 15.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Soul Reaver
- Intelligence: +50.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +4.0
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities take 10% of their Current HP as bonus Magical Damage over 2s. This effect will always deal at least 2.5% of the god's Max HP over time and only triggers once per ability per god.
Void Stone
- Intelligence: +40.0
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have their Magical Protections reduced by 10%
Divine Ruin
- Intelligence: +80.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your basic attacks or abilities have 40% reduced healing for 4s.
Triton's Conch
- Strength: +15.0
- Intelligence: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 7 + 0.5*Level Strength and 10 + 1*Level Intelligence.
Gem of Isolation
- Intelligence: +50.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities are affected by a 15% Slow for 2s.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
Passive: You gain 1 bonus Gold per second. When an ally god within 8.8m of you is hit by a hard crowd control effect, give them a shield equal to 15% of your Maximum Health. This effect can only occur once every 15s. Requires Level 15.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Triton's Conch
- Strength: +15.0
- Intelligence: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 7 + 0.5*Level Strength and 10 + 1*Level Intelligence.
Stone of Binding
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your Hard CC effects lose 15 Physical Protection and 15 Magical Protection for 4s.
Shifter's Shield
- PhysicalProtection: +20.0
- MagicalProtection: +20.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- MaxMana: +200.0
PASSIVE: While over 75% Health, you gain 30 Strength and 40 Intelligence. While under 75% Health, you gain 20 Protections.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 1s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
Passive: You gain 1 bonus Gold per second. When an ally god within 8.8m of you is hit by a hard crowd control effect, give them a shield equal to 15% of your Maximum Health. This effect can only occur once every 15s. Requires Level 15.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Talisman of Purification
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: You and allied gods within 6.4m are Cleansed of all CC and gain CC Immunity for 1s. Cooldown: 180s.
Stone of Binding
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your Hard CC effects lose 15 Physical Protection and 15 Magical Protection for 4s.
Chronos' Pendant
- Intelligence: +50.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: Your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s every 10s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Gem of Focus
- Intelligence: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 15 Intelligence and 3% Movement Speed for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Bacchus Basic Attack
Deal 0 Magical Damage to an enemy in front of you.
NOTE 1: If multiple enemies are in the area, the enemy closest to the center of the area will be hit.
- Damage Scaling: 100% Strength and 20% Intelligence
- Range: 1.9m
- Cone Angle: 120 degrees
As you become more Drunk, gain Strength, Intelligence, and Protections. • You become Tipsy at 30% Drunk • You become Smashed at 60%, doubling the buffs
NOTE 1: Ranges from 0% to 100% Drunk.
Take a drink, Healing for None, and becoming more Drunk. • You also gain increased Strength and Intelligence • Your next basic attack deals an additional 0 [0 - 30% of Protections] Magical Damage
NOTE 1: Empowered basic attack effect lasts for 6s or until a target is successfully hit.
- Damage: 0/10/30/50/70/90
- Damage Scaling: 0/30/30/30/30/30% Physical Protection or Magical Protection
- Heal: 0/20/35/50/65/80
- Strength: 0/6/10/14/18/22
- Intelligence: 0/10/15/20/25/30
- Buff Duration: 0/6/6/6/6/6s
- Drunkenness: 40/46/52/58/64/70%
- Cooldown: 12s
- Cost: 20
Belly Flop
Leap forward to and slam into the ground belly first, Knocking Up enemies. • Deals 80 [85% STR + 30% Protections] Magical Damage • If you are Tipsy, enemies are also Slowed
NOTE 1: Enemies are Displaced straight up.
- Damage: 80/125/170/215/260
- Damage Scaling: 75% Strength and 30% Physical Protection or Magical Protection
- Range: 8.8m
- Radius: 2.4m
- Cooldown: 15s
- Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
Belch Of The Gods
Channel a big ol’ burp to deal 20 [17.5% INT] Magical Damage repeatedly to enemies in front of you. • If you are Tipsy, the final hit will Stun • Reduces enemy Healing • You are Displacement Immune while Channeling
NOTE 1: This ability hits 3 times, plus the final hit, over 1.5 seconds.
- Damage: 20/35/50/65/80
- Damage Scaling: 17% Intelligence
- Stun Duration: 0.9/0.9/1/1.1/1.1s
- Healing Reduction: -40%
- Range: 5.6m
- Cooldown: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11s
- Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
Smash your jug of wine, dealing 230 [65% INT] Magical Damage and Intoxicating enemies around you. • If you are Smashed, gain Strength and Intelligence in anger over your lost wine
- Damage: 230/300/370/440/510
- Damage Scaling: 65% Intelligence
- Intoxicate Duration: 4s
- Strength: 12/20/28/36/44
- Intelligence: 20/30/40/50/60
- Buff Duration: 6s
- Radius: 5.6m
- Cooldown: 90s
- Cost: 90