God of the Summer Storm
Type | Default |
Collection | Default |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Mastery Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type | Default |
Collection | Unknown |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Cross-Gen |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type | Default |
Collection | Default Skin |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Stat Name | Stat Value |
Max Health | 614 |
Max Mana | 296 |
Health Per Time | 2 |
Mana Per Time | 3 |
Physical Protection | 19 |
Magical Protection | 27 |
Movement Speed | 375 |
Base Attack Speed | 1 |
Attack Speed Percent | 2 |
Intelligence | 0 |
XP Requirement | 0 |
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View allVICTORY | Warchi
Bumba's Hammer
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +50 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% damage against Jungle Camps, Structures, and Jungle Bosses. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 40 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.75s and you are healed for 60 health.. Requires Level 20.
Hydra's Lament
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 30% increased Basic Attack Damage on your next basic attack for 8s.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 1s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
Brawler's Ruin
- Strength: +45.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your basic attacks or abilities have 40% reduced healing for 4s.
Oath-Sworn Spear
- Strength: +40.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities lose 1 per level Physical Protection for 4s.
Lucerne Hammer
- Strength: +15.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
VICTORY | Warchi
Bumba's Hammer
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +50 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% damage against Jungle Camps, Structures, and Jungle Bosses. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 40 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.75s and you are healed for 60 health.. Requires Level 20.
Hydra's Lament
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 30% increased Basic Attack Damage on your next basic attack for 8s.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Your abilities deal bonus physical damage as a % of the target's max HP. The %HP damage is equal to 2% of your Strength.
Oath-Sworn Spear
- Strength: +40.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities lose 1 per level Physical Protection for 4s.
Titan's Bane
- Strength: +40.0
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 1s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 25 + 4 per level True Damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
DEFEAT | Adapting
Bumba's Cudgel
- Strength: +15.0
- MaxHealth: +50.0
- MaxMana: +50.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +25 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% Damage versus Jungle Monsters. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 20 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.5s. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
The Crusher
- Strength: +35.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take bonus damage equal to an additional 30% of your Strength over 1s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
Titan's Bane
- Strength: +40.0
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Your abilities deal bonus physical damage as a % of the target's max HP. The %HP damage is equal to 2% of your Strength.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
VICTORY | Sheento
Bluestone Pendant
- Strength: +15.0
- HP5: +2.5
- MP5: +2.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take an additional 32 Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 1s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
Oath-Sworn Spear
- Strength: +40.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities lose 1 per level Physical Protection for 4s.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Titan's Bane
- Strength: +40.0
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
Void Shard
- Penetration: +10.0%
Infused Axe
- Strength: +15.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
- MP5: +1.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god you instantly restore 25% of your Mana.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Bumba's Hammer
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +50 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% damage against Jungle Camps, Structures, and Jungle Bosses. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 40 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.75s and you are healed for 60 health.. Requires Level 20.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 1s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
Hydra's Lament
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 30% increased Basic Attack Damage on your next basic attack for 8s.
Oath-Sworn Spear
- Strength: +40.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities lose 1 per level Physical Protection for 4s.
Titan's Bane
- Strength: +40.0
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Your abilities deal bonus physical damage as a % of the target's max HP. The %HP damage is equal to 2% of your Strength.
The Crusher
- Strength: +35.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take bonus damage equal to an additional 30% of your Strength over 1s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Bumba's Hammer
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +50 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% damage against Jungle Camps, Structures, and Jungle Bosses. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 40 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.75s and you are healed for 60 health.. Requires Level 20.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 1s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
Soul Reaver
- Intelligence: +50.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +4.0
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities take 10% of their Current HP as bonus Magical Damage over 2s. This effect will always deal at least 2.5% of the god's Max HP over time and only triggers once per ability per god.
Totem of Death
- Intelligence: +40.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you hit an enemy god or jungle boss with an ability, gain the Piercing effect, granting you 7.5% Penetration for 4s. Stacks up to 4 times.
Titan's Bane
- Strength: +40.0
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Your abilities deal bonus physical damage as a % of the target's max HP. The %HP damage is equal to 2% of your Strength.
Obsidian Shard
- Intelligence: +60.0
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Bumba's Hammer
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +50 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% damage against Jungle Camps, Structures, and Jungle Bosses. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 40 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.75s and you are healed for 60 health.. Requires Level 20.
- Strength: +25.0
- MaxMana: +400.0
- MP5: +4.0
Passive: You permanently gain 7 Mana per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 800 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. You gain Strength equal to 2% of your Mana from items. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration.
Brawler's Ruin
- Strength: +45.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your basic attacks or abilities have 40% reduced healing for 4s.
Oath-Sworn Spear
- Strength: +40.0
- Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities lose 1 per level Physical Protection for 4s.
Titan's Bane
- Strength: +40.0
Passive: You gain the Shattering effect, granting you 20% Penetration. This effect does not stack with itself.
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Your abilities deal bonus physical damage as a % of the target's max HP. The %HP damage is equal to 2% of your Strength.
The Crusher
- Strength: +35.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take bonus damage equal to an additional 30% of your Strength over 1s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Bumba's Hammer
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +50 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% damage against Jungle Camps, Structures, and Jungle Bosses. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 40 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.75s and you are healed for 60 health.. Requires Level 20.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +25.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 1s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 5s.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
The Crusher
- Strength: +35.0
- Penetration: +10.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take bonus damage equal to an additional 30% of your Strength over 1s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
Pendulum Blade
- Strength: +55.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Active: Reduce your ability cooldowns by 3s. Cooldown: 50s.
Totem of Death
- Intelligence: +40.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you hit an enemy god or jungle boss with an ability, gain the Piercing effect, granting you 7.5% Penetration for 4s. Stacks up to 4 times.
Talisman of Purification
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: You and allied gods within 6.4m are Cleansed of all CC and gain CC Immunity for 1s. Cooldown: 180s.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Susano Basic Attack
Deal 0 Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you.
NOTE 1: If multiple enemies are in the area, the enemy closest to the center of the area will be hit.
NOTE 2: Has a 3 hit chain. Attacks in order of 1, 1, 1.25x damage and swing time.
- Damage Scaling: 100% Strength and 20% Intelligence
- Range: 1.9m
- Cone Angle: 120 degrees
Storm's Edge
After using an ability, your next basic attack will add a Storm’s Edge debuff stack to an enemy. • At 1-2 stacks, enemies have reduced Strength • At 3-4 stacks, enemies are also Slowed • At 5-6 stacks, enemies also take 10% increased Damage
NOTE 1: Enemies with 1-2 stacks have 10% reduced Strength.
NOTE 2: Enemies with 3-4 stacks are Slowed by 15% and maintain previous Debuff.
NOTE 3: Enemies with 5-6 stacks take 10% increased damage and maintain previous Debuffs.
NOTE 4: Debuffs last 3s and refresh on a new application.
NOTE 5: Buff lasts 3s.
NOTE 6: Each attack of Storm Kata can trigger ability item effects.
Storm Kata
Strike three times in quick succession. • The first attack deals 40 [45% STR] Physical Damage to enemies in front of you. • The second attack spins, dealing 40 [35% STR] Physical Damage to enemies around you • The third attack Dashes forward dealing 20 [25% STR] Physical Damage
NOTE 1: This ability Cooldown is increased by 1s for each additional attack used.
NOTE 2: Dash passes through all enemies.
- Strike Damage: 40/65/90/115/140
- Strike Damage Scaling: 50% Strength
- Spin Damage: 40/65/90/115/140
- Spin Damage Scaling: 50% Strength
- Dash Damage: 20/32.5/45/57.5/70
- Dash Damage Scaling: 25% Strength
- Strike Range: 4.8m
- Strike Cone Angle: 60 degrees
- Spin Radius: 4.8m
- Dash Range: 7m
- Dash Radius: 0.5m
- Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s
- Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
Strike three times in quick succession. • The first attack deals 40 [45% STR] Physical Damage to enemies in front of you. • The second attack spins, dealing 40 [35% STR] Physical Damage to enemies around you • The third attack Dashes forward dealing 20 [25% STR] Physical Damage
NOTE 1: This ability Cooldown is increased by 1s for each additional attack used.
NOTE 2: Dash passes through all enemies.
- Strike Damage: 40/65/90/115/140
- Strike Damage Scaling: 50% Strength
- Spin Damage: 40/65/90/115/140
- Spin Damage Scaling: 50% Strength
- Dash Damage: 20/32.5/45/57.5/70
- Dash Damage Scaling: 25% Strength
- Strike Range: 4.8m
- Strike Cone Angle: 60 degrees
- Spin Radius: 4.8m
- Dash Range: 7m
- Dash Radius: 0.5m
- Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s
Strike three times in quick succession. • The first attack deals 40 [45% STR] Physical Damage to enemies in front of you. • The second attack spins, dealing 40 [35% STR] Physical Damage to enemies around you • The third attack Dashes forward dealing 20 [25% STR] Physical Damage
NOTE 1: This ability Cooldown is increased by 1s for each additional attack used.
NOTE 2: Dash passes through all enemies.
- Strike Damage: 40/65/90/115/140
- Strike Damage Scaling: 50% Strength
- Spin Damage: 40/65/90/115/140
- Spin Damage Scaling: 50% Strength
- Dash Damage: 20/32.5/45/57.5/70
- Dash Damage Scaling: 25% Strength
- Strike Range: 4.8m
- Strike Cone Angle: 60 degrees
- Spin Radius: 4.8m
- Dash Range: 7m
- Dash Radius: 0.5m
- Cooldown: 14/12/12/11/10s
Wind Siphon
Command the winds to blow, dealing 90 [60% STR] Physical Damage to enemies in front of you. • Enemies in the inner area are also Pulled towards you
NOTE 1: Enemies are Pulled to the location in front of you at the start of the attack.
- Damage: 90/120/150/180/210
- Damage Scaling: 70% Strength
- Cooldown: 16s
- Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
- Range: 5.6m
- Cone Angle: 105 degrees
- Inner Cone Angle: 40 degrees
Jet Stream
Throw a gust of wind projectile that stops on walls or the first enemy hit, creating a whirlwind. • The whirlwind deals 20 [20% STR] Physical Damage repeatedly • You can reactivate this ability to Teleport to the whirlwind
NOTE 1: The Whirlwind will travel with the enemy hit.
NOTE 2: This ability Cooldown is reduced by 4s when Teleporting to an enemy.
NOTE 3: Ability hits 6 times, over 3 seconds.
- Damage: 20/30/40/50/60
- Damage Scaling: 25% Strength
- Cooldown: 16s
- Cost: 45/50/55/60/65
Summon a typhoon which repeatedly deals 10 [10% STR] Physical Damage as it grows in size. • After reaching full size, the typhoon is launched in the direction you are facing, dealing 200 [100% STR] Physical Damage and Knocking Up enemies • Reactivate this ability to fire the typhoon at its current size, dealing less damage
NOTE 1: This ability automatically refires after 2s.
NOTE 2: This ability starts at 50% Size and Damage and increases over the duration.
NOTE 3: The Typhoon will travel in the direction Susano is facing on refire.
- Damage Per Tick: 10/15/20/25/30
- Damage Scaling Per Tick: 10% Strength
- Max Damage: 200/260/320/380/440
- Damage Scaling: 105% Strength
- Cooldown: 100s
- Cost: 80/85/90/95/100
- Start Radius: 4m
- Max Radius: 8m